~ Your vibrations have reached my frequency & I Am so grateful that you are here! ~ Tirzah


Start & End Each Day With Positive Affirmations!

It has been scientifically proven that saying & writing down your affirmations
daily will ultimately reprogram your DNA. When you do this, your thought patterns
& habits will change & you begin to elevate higher in gratitude, love & peace in the
way that you think, feel & treat yourself & others!

Send your amazing gift of positive affirmations into the Universe everyday from
your true self with gratitude, love & peace for better well-being & happier lives!

Affirm Your True Power & Purpose Daily & Create Your Own Destiny

~ As I read & say these words, I am sending vibrations of my unique & very special frequency into the Universe. I accept all truths about me, receive complete wellness, clarity & power & decree that I will live in the center of abundance in peace as a light
of love & good for eternity ~

We have the power to create our own destiny & by dedicating time daily to reflect on what we are thankful for, we effectively weave an energetic field of positive vibrations
of love & gratitude. Affirm your true purpose daily, choose happiness & enjoy living in the power of your true self.

As You Shift To New Timelines ~ Click Below & Enjoy The Journey!

We all vibrate at different frequencies on different timelines, realms & dimensions. Together we consciously connect & align in truth, peace, kindness, love, service & good. Thank you for sharing your light! ~ Tirzah💜


Who Are You?

You are a light with a very special frequency that is essential to the alignment
of the Universe and just like the signal of a radio station, your frequency can
be heard throughout the Cosmos ~ Know that you are not your thoughts & only
the observer of your thoughts & when you can separate from your thoughts with
no ego or mind & observe who you see from the outside, you will know & feel
your true essence

This increases your awareness to ascend higher as your true self ~

May you enjoy each rebirth on your journey of ascension & vibrate higher
through out eternity ~

The Only Way To Experience Something Is To Feel It First!

It’s okay to feel & express how we feel about things & it’s also okay to be “in our
feelings” at times ~ because the only way that we can experience anything is to
feel it first! << click this link for more!

It's how we react to those feelings that is very essential to our growth & awareness
as we ascend higher ~

Pivot & Turn Away From Low Energy & Negative People

When you encounter low energy & negative people or situations, you can use
positivity & breathwork to pivot & turn away from what is happening or draining
your energy. Think posivite regardless of what you see, feel or are being told, pause
& take 3-5 deep breaths to reset your entire being.

This is how you can remove negative frequencies from your space & set boundaries
that will protect your happiness & well being ~


We Bring You Peace in Love, Truth & Unity

May you have peace with the truth about who you are & how you look ~ peace
with all entities, circumstances & situations that are going on in your life today
& peace as you awaken & elevate higher to rise above it.

Peace with all that has happened to you in the past lives of your yesterdays
& peace in forgiving yourself & everyone for everything ~ past, present & future.

Peace, love & unity on this path of your ascension journey & with all that will
happen to you in the future lives of your wonderful tomorrows! ~ Tirzah


Our Gift of Service To You ~

Always here to be of service to you with guidance to higher self-awareness
as we assist in channeling paths to your truths & scientifically proven history
as you journey to your true existence, true nature & true power.

You are destined for greatness & we are grateful to share this journey of
*Oneness in this & all lives in love, peace & unity with you!