~ Your vibrations have reached my frequency & I Am so grateful that you are here! ~ Tirzah

The Power of Crystals ~ Gemstones ~ Gratitude & More!

Writing Down What You Are Grateful For Every Day Will Change Your DNA

Posted on July 31st, 2024 

Embracing the essence of gratitude can yield remarkable shifts in your daily life. As you navigate through the ebb and flow of routines and responsibilities, the simple act of acknowledging your blessings can transform your outlook. By d…

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Maximize Your Well-Being with Citrine Crystals

Imagine holding a radiant piece of the sun in your hand. This isn't just a poetic thought; it's the glow of citrine crystals. Their formation, involving the natural heat treatment of amethyst or smoky quartz deep within the Earth's mantle, is a marvel of nature.


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Showing Gratitude Everyday Will Change Your Life!

Posted on July 1st, 2024
Imagine infusing your day with a simple yet transformative practice that brings a shift in your perspective. Embracing the benefits of daily gratitude journaling can shine a light on the positive aspects that often go unnoticed. 


Through …

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The Healing Benefits of Red Coral

Posted May 31st, 2024

Red Coral, frequently referred to as Red Coral stone, is not only recognized for its striking beauty but also revered as a powerful symbol of vitality and protection. This vibrant gemstone is steeped in rich history and enveloped in profound …

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The Intuitive & Powerful Energy of Amethyst

March 5th, 2024

In a world filled with stress and uncertainty, many individuals are turning to alternative methods for healing and relaxation. One such method that has gained popularity in recent years is crystal healing, with amethyst emerging as a favorite among…

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