~ Your vibrations have reached my frequency & I Am so grateful that you are here! ~ Tirzah

Welcome To The Garden of Ascension

Where you are safe & free to celebrate the changes in your vibrations & send frequencies into the Universe as the real you & not someone that you were told to be

From The Womb Of Lemuria With Love, Peace & Divine Oneness

Tirzahs Gift Garden™ is a seaside haven of truth, love & positivity on your journey of ascension. We channel tools of guidance to true awareness in a no judgement, online community of love & inclusiveness where you are safe and free to be you. Our unique path to truth & wellness provides transformational experiences of growth & well-being through guided affirmations, meditation techniques, proven scientific research and verified history of your true existence, nature & power. And with love, we share special garden gifts that help you to become better aligned with the Universe, along with our high frequency authentic collections of useful products that will elevate & inspire on every realm.

Thank You for Visiting Tirzahs Gift Garden!
Always Be Your True Self
~ Tirzah

Your Efforts Are Being Supported By The Universe

You control your destiny & the Universe is waiting for you to ~ speak what you desire ~ write it down ~ visualize & feel yourself in it ~ and it must & will happen

I = Me = You = We Are Very Powerful Sentient Beings!

Always be your true self ~ Learn from this life because it will help you in the next
~ Tirzah