~ Your vibrations have reached my frequency & I Am so grateful that you are here! ~ Tirzah

Love, Unity & Inclusiveness

Love, Unity & Inclusiveness

Welcome to a unique path to truth & wellness
with guidance to higher self~discovery on
your journey of ascension. We offer special
garden gifts, products & tools that channel
proven scientific research & verified history
of your true existence, nature & power ~ in a
no judgement, universal community of love
& inclusiveness, as you discover who you
are & awaken to know your true self.

Thank You for Visiting Tirzahs Gift Garden
Always Be Your True Self
~ Tirzah  

To The Birth of Your True Self

~ As I read & say these words, I am sending vibrations of
my unique & very special frequency into the Universe. I accept
all truths about me, receive complete wellness, clarity & power
& decree that I will live in the center of abundance in peace,
as a light of love & good for eternity ~

Peace ~ Love ~ Truth & Unity

We Bring You Peace in Love, Truth & Unity

May you have peace with the truth about who you are & how you look ~ peace with all entities, circumstances & situations that are going on in your life today & peace as you awaken & elevate higher to rise above it ~

Peace with all that has happened to you in your past lives & peace in forgiving yourself & all others for everything, past, present & future ~

Peace, love & unity on this path of your ascension journey in the here & now & peace in all that will happen to you in the future lives of your wonderful tomorrows! ~

Gratitude Journals

It is scientifically proven that saying & writing down what you are grateful for everyday will change ultimately your DNA